This infrared sauna allows you to personalize your sauna sessions. With 6 different preset programs to choose from reaching your wellness goals have never been easier. Leave the office feeling relaxed and revitalized like you just got back from a tropical vacation.
At Cleansing Concepts we take pride in the equipment that we use, to ensure you are getting the highest quality cleanse available to you. We are one of the only facilities in New York to carry Sunlighten’s newest Infrared Sauna The mPulse® . This is the first and only infrared sauna to offer near, mid and far infrared technology. This smart technology is proven effective, customizable to individual needs and allows you to track results. It is not just a sauna, it is a wellness tool that is adaptable to your health needs over time.

Clinical Backing
Through extensive research, we have found that different parts of the infrared spectrum are more effective than others at targeting various health benefits. With this in mind, Solocarbon® Full Spectrum’s proprietary wavelengths were developed based on over 56 research studies for true health results.
Preset Wellness Programs
The mPulse series offers a variety of wellness programs at your fingertips. Each session perfectly blends the NIR, MIR and FIR wavelengths to produce the benefit you need. There is also a customized setting to fit your own personal preferences and wellness goals.

Detox from a Sunlight Sauna is 7 to 10 times greater than a conventional sauna. In a conventional sauna the average person sweats out 3% toxins and 97% water. In a Sunlight Sauna, the average person sweats out 20% toxins and 80% water!
Relieve back, neck, and arthritis pain with far infrared sauna heat therapy. Researchers studying HRP (Heat Responsive Pain) have observed remarkable therapeutic benefits by using continuous low level heat therapy for treating lower back and upper body pain, all conditions that fall under the HRP classification.
A 30 minute far infrared sauna session can burn up to 200-600 calories! As the body works to cool itself while using a far infrared sauna, there is a substantial increase in heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate. Sunlight Saunas far infrared heat therapy raises core body temperature causing passive cardiovascular conditioning. Your body’s natural response to far infrared heat therapy is to increase circulation and sweat. Check out the results with a heart rate monitor and you will be amazed!
Sunlight Saunas Solocarbon heaters were used in a clinical study with the University of Missouri Kansas City in 2005 and were shown to lower blood pressure from a 30 minute sauna session three times a week. Repeated Sunlight Saunas far infrared treatment improves impaired blood vessel functions in patients with high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. This suggests a preventative role for sauna use for arteriosclerosis.
Heating of muscles with far infrared produces an increased blood flow level similar to that seen during exercise. Body temperature elevation also produces an increase in blood flow. Infrared heat assists in resolution of inflammatory infiltrates, edema and exudates. The increased peripheral circulation provides the transport needed to help evacuate the edema which can help end inflammation, decrease pain and help speed healing.
Improve your skin’s appearance with regular use of a Sunlight Sauna. Open wounds heal quicker with reduced scarring. Far infrared heat therapy helps acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns and any skin lesions or cuts. It also reduces wrinkles, makes skin look radiant, firms and improves skin tone and elasticity. Regular use may also help reduce cellulite trapped beneath the skin, lessen the appearance of scars, and help burns heal significantly.

Chromotherapy is the science of using colors to adjust body vibrations to frequencies that result in health and harmony. Each color possesses frequencies of a specific vibration, and each vibration is related to different physical symptoms.
Our bodies need the sun’s light to live. And that light can actually be broken down into a seven color spectrum. An imbalance of any of those colors can manifest itself in physical and mental symptoms. Color therapy works on various energy points to help balance your body via the full spectrum of visible light, each color addressing a distinct need.
Color and light have been utilized by healers for thousands of years. Color therapy possibly has roots in Indian medicine (Ayurveda), ancient Egyptian culture and traditional Chinese healing.
Alternative medicine practitioners who use chromotherapy often relate the seven colors of the color spectrum to specific body areas.
We’re hearing a lot in the media lately about electromagnetic fields (EMF), usually in relation to mobile phones. And, from time to time, we get a question about whether Sunlighten infrared saunas (or infrared saunas in general) produce high EMF levels. The short answer is no but the EMF question is worth talking about here.
Infrared saunas heat your body directly (as opposed to the air around you) by emitting infrared radiant heat. The waves, similar to those produced by the sun, penetrate and heat your body. The infrared waves are safe – used even to heat newborn babies at the hospital.
But what about EMF? Despite extensive research over the past 20 years, the health risk caused by EMF exposure remains an open question. Two national research organizations (the National Research Council and the National Institute of Health) have looked at the studies and have concluded that there is not strong evidence that EMF exposures pose a health risk. However, other studies suggest otherwise.
Although the current scientific evidence provides no definitive answers regarding EMF, there is enough uncertainty that some people want to reduce their exposure to EMF.
EMF is everywhere in our homes and offices. The electrical appliances we use (an electric can opener at close range emits substantial EMFs), computers, monitors, keyboards and mice, wireless modems, cordless phones, clock radios, hair dryers, mobile phones, microwave ovens and more – all produce EMFs. Thos who live near high-voltage power lines have an even higher potential exposure.
The EMF (electromagnetic field) levels of Sunlighten saunas are well below the threshold of what is generally considered safe, and in fact, produce less EMF than a standard hair dryer. The EMF attributable to a hair dryer at 6″ away is about 300 mG. Our saunas have been measured between 0 and 10 mG. (EMFs are measured in units called milligauss (mG).)
If you are concerned at all about EMF, the EMF-cancelling technology found in our mPulse saunas reduces EMF to our lowest level yet. Our Signature and Select models have also tested at extremely safe levels due to steel conduit electrical shielding.
Medical Conditions
If any of the below apply to you, consult your physician prior to sauna use:
Cardiovascular Issues, Obesity or Diabetes – Individuals suffering from obesity or with a medical history of heart disease, low or high blood pressure, circulatory problems or diabetes should consult a physician prior to use. Heat stress increases cardiac output and blood flow in an effort to transfer internal body heat to the outside environment via the skin (perspiration) and respiratory system. This takes place primarily due to major changes in the heart rate, which has the potential to increase by thirty (30) beats per minute for each degree increase in core body temperature.
Medications – Individuals who are using prescription drugs should seek the advice of their personal physician since some medications may induce drowsiness, while others may affect heart rate, blood pressure and circulation. Diuretics, barbiturates and beta-blockers may impair the body’s natural heat loss mechanisms. Anticholinergics such as amitryptaline may inhibit sweating and can predispose individuals to heat rash or to a lesser extent, heat stroke. Some over-the-counter drugs, such as antihistamines, may also cause the body to be more prone to heat stroke.
Alcohol & Drug Abuse – Contrary to popular belief, it is not advisable to attempt to “sweat out” a hangover. Alcohol intoxication decreases a person’s judgment; therefore, he/she may not realize when the body has a negative reaction to high heat. Alcohol also increases the heart rate, which may be further increased by heat stress. The use of alcohol, drugs or medications prior to a sauna session may lead to unconsciousness.
Elderly – The ability to maintain core body temperature decreases with age. This is primarily due to circulatory conditions and decreased sweat gland function. The body must be able to activate its natural cooling processes in order to maintain core body temperature. If elderly, operate at a lower temperature and for no more than 15 minutes at a time.
Children – The core body temperature of children rises much faster than adults. This occurs due to a higher metabolic rate per body mass, limited circulatory adaptation to increased cardiac demands and the inability to regulate body temperature by sweating. When using with a child, operate at a lower temperature and for no more than 15 minutes at a time.
Chronic Conditions / Diseases Associated With Reduced Ability To Sweat Or Perspire – Multiple Sclerosis, Central Nervous System Tumors and Diabetes with Neuropathy are conditions that are associated with impaired sweating. Consult a physician.
Hemophiliacs / Individuals Prone To Bleeding – The use of infrared saunas should be avoided by anyone who is predisposed to bleeding.
Fever & Insensitivity to Heat – Individuals with insensitivity to heat or who have a fever should not use the bodywrap until the fever subsides.
Pregnancy – Pregnant women should consult a physician before using a sauna.
Menstruation – Heating of the low back area of women during the menstrual period may temporarily increase menstrual flow. This should not preclude sauna use.
Joint Injury – Recent (acute) joint injury should not be heated for the first 48 hours or until the swollen symptoms subside. Joints that are chronically hot and swollen may respond poorly to vigorous heating of any kind.
Implants – Metal pins, rods, artificial joints or any other surgical implants generally reflect infrared waves and thus are not heated by this system. Nevertheless, you should consult your physician prior to using.
Pacemakers / Defibrillators – The magnets used to assemble our saunas can interrupt the pacing and inhibit the output of pacemakers. Please discuss with your doctor the possible risks this may cause.