Bio-Electric Lymphatic Drainage (BELD) can be relaxing like a soothing massage, allowing the body to go into the parasympathetic healing mode. BELD therapy uses a light beam generator which emits a stream of photons (negative ions). These are known for their antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. This light beam with a heartbeat pulsation improves the flow in blood and lymph, while simultaneously loosening waste from cells.
BELD the most recent advancement of this technology is a vibration energy technology. That means it emits energetic information to the energy field of the cells via harmonic sounds, frequencies of light and Noble Gas Ionization. This assists in the removal of toxins, poisons and trapped proteins, literally cleaning the spaces between cells and allowing waste products and toxins to slowly and safely flow out through normal channels. It is a gentle, noninvasive procedure combined with gentle manual lymph drainage and is faster and more complete than manual techniques used alone. Allowing the therapist to accomplish in a one-hour session what would take many hours without the vibration energy technology.
- Reduction in edemas (swelling) and lymph-edemas of many origins
- Detoxification of the body
- Regeneration of tissue
- Reduction in the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia
- Improvement of venous conditions
- Relief of chronic and sub-acute inflammation, sinusitis, otitis, acne and allergies
- Relief of chronic pain
- Anti-spastic actions to relieve conditions such as muscle hyper-tonus and some forms of constipation
- Works deep to aid insomnia, stress, loss of vitality and loss of memory
- Alleviation of adiposis and cellulite
- Releases parasites trapped in the lymph system
Patients have reported:
- Feeling sleepy
- Improved range of motion
- Reduced pain
- Reduced congestion
- Temperature change (feeling warmer or cooler)
- Reduced swelling
- Improved circulation
The client undresses and lies on a massage table under a sheet/blanket in a warm room with soft lights. “Inspiration,” has a hand-held wand that is lightly moved over the skin, producing a negative energy field which allows the blood and lymph fluid to circulate freely. The hands-on lymphatic drainage technique combination is slow, subtle, and gently sweeping movements, mimicking the natural rhythmic pumping of the lymphatic system. The result can enhance recovery rates by loosening proteins that are stagnant, causing retained fluid and congested areas to FLOW. Stagnation is reversed and the lymph system is now free to perform its normal cleansing functions!
Typically, each session lasts 45 minutes. A customized treatment is done on the first visit. On subsequent visits more attention and time can be devoted to areas of stagnation. This is a non-invasive safe technique and relaxing, as the probe is used to move the lymph along. Most patients do not experience any side effects. Occasionally after treatments, patients report feeling an increase in symptoms the following morning. This is referred to as a Herx reaction or “detox reaction.” As toxins released from the tissues move to the organs to be eliminated from the body, they can cause some discomfort or general feeling of yuck. This is similar to shaking out a carpet- sometimes you have to make a mess to clean. To reduce this occurring, we recommend:
Drinking more water before AND after the lymph drainage session
Taking “binders” as prescribed by your physician immediately after the session (e.g. detox clay)
Drinking more water
Light aerobic activity (e.g. walking or using a rebounder trampoline)
Colon hydrotherapy
Drinking more water than that
Some patients that are very toxic and sick, may find that they feel worse the next day, but then report feeling better the following day. In essence, it is your body’s reaction that indicates that parasites, fungus, viruses, bacteria or other pathogens are being effectively killed off and eliminated by your body. Unfortunately, when people start experiencing this, they often discontinue the very treatment that is making them better. If you experience this, hang in there!! You will feel much better in the long run if you stick with the treatment!! Several follow up sessions are strongly advised after your series is completed. Each session basically “feels” the same in terms of the treatment, your body however is getting stronger each and every time you some.
It is recommend to listen to your body after each session, rest if needed.
Drinking lots of water is encouraged as this helps the detoxification process.
Always follow your lymphatic drainage session with one of our other detoxification therapies!
- Avoid lotion/oil, deodorant, perfume, makeup. Since this light technique must not be blocked to achieve maximum benefits. These skin products could be otherwise absorbed.
- Avoid drinking 1 hour before session for comfort while lying down.
- Avoid irritants like: coffee, soda, sugar, alcohol, etc., the day of the appointment.
- Clients may feel relaxed for a few hours after the appointment.
- Clients might have more volume when urinating. It may possibly have a stronger smell and different color and be foamy or filmy as the lymph drains first towards the kidney/bladder.
- It is important to drink more water than normal to assist the cleansing.
It is best NOT to schedule your first lymph drainage massage right before a major event. While some people report feeling amazing after moving toxins out of their bodies, some people have more toxins more than others and may feel a little less than amazing while the toxins that were mobilized are vacating. Your lymph system will continue to feel the effects for 24-36 hours after treatment.
The sessions have a cumulative effect and soon you will be able to manage your lymph health on your own. 8 sessions is recommended to start 1 time per week for eight weeks consistently, works best if used in conjunction with one of our other detox therapies. For maximum benefit of a lymphatic cleansing, we recommend Bio-Electric Lymphatic Drainage followed with Colon Hydrotherapy, sauna, foot detox or ozone steam sauna.
We suggest people with the following medical conditions not have a Lymphatic Drainage unless given approval from their physician:
- Pacemaker or electrical implants
- Heart regulating or time released medication
- Pregnant or breast-feeding mothers
- Organ transplant recipients